Ninja Courage

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I Value Time on Snow

I just got back from my second day on snow this week. It’s spring and the riding is good! And even when the snow conditions aren’t the best, the adventure and time with bad-ass lady bosses is always worth it. I was asked today if I am happy I made the transition to working for myself. I can unequivocally say yes. I love the creativity, the learning mindset, the freedom to create my schedule and the time at home with Roxy. I love the work I do, the organizations I work with, the people I get to meet and the material that I teach. I love teaching people about essential oils and how to support their health naturally. I love learning marketing and sales, leadership principles and how to grow my business. I love when my newsletter or the material I present resonates with my audience. I am deeply grateful for the experiences that brought me here, living my life by my core values of love, health, adventure and courage. Are you living the life you want? Do you know what your core values are? I mean can you name them right now? It’s a great first step in understanding yourself and what really matters to you. Email me to set a time to review your values. Better yet, get your whole team on board and schedule the best off-site retreat your team has ever experienced.

From Lake Tahoe with love and courage,
